□Company Profile:


-Company Name;

Lead Innovation Center K.K.


-Main Executive;

Chief Executive Officer_ Yuichiro Fujimoto

(CEO and Graduate School of Osaka University Lecturer)

Chief Technology Officer_ Manabu Kumada

Senior Vice President_Wakako Gomi



31 Floor Osaka International Building 2-3-13 Azuchi-cho

Chuo-ku, Osaka city, Japan


-Contact Number;







【The Outline of Lead Innovation Center】

■1406_Lead Innovation Service Outline.pd
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-Main Services;

Ⅰ) New technology Planning and the Development Consulting

     for major manufacturers and IT vendors

Ⅱ) Research and Development (R&D) Management Consulting

     for major manufacturers

Ⅲ) Development of Management System for Innovative R&D theme

     on energy, transportation and other sectors.

Ⅳ) Providing Smart-Mobility Service by a large number of 

     E-bike Sharing controlled with Smartphone/Cloud center


-Expertise Sectors;

Ⅰ) Energy Product and System

    (Energy Storage, Energy Management System, Smart Grid,

     Renewable Energy and Smart City Development)

Ⅱ) Automotive and Other Transportation

Ⅲ) IT System and Appliance Product 

Ⅳ) Electronic devices

Ⅴ) Material and Chemical-related technology




-Our Publication

"Disruptive Innovation"


〇Why happened innovator's       dilemma on car navigation,       mobile, digital appliance and  

  energy generation/storage                                                              devices.

                                                      〇How should handle with the                                                            disruptive innovation in terms                                                          of R&D process, theme                                                                    evaluation and business                                                                  model

Overview on Jananese Innovotor's Dilemma
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